'Existence' by David Brin (SF) Tor Books
We're not exactly looking forward to trying this one, because we tried it before a few months back & just didn't get into it. But we're willing to give it another chance, as we heard that if we liked C.J. Cherryh, we might like David Brin. Here's hoping.
'Naked Heat' by Richard Castle (Mystery) Hyperion
Now, this we're looking forward to, as we read the first 'Heat' book by Richard Castle ('Heat Wave') & really liked it. We watch 'Castle,' as well, & thought the book was a good complement. Unfortunately, we don't have the entire series, so we'll be reading this out of order.
'Transformed' by Debbie Kump (F) World Castle Publishing
This is a new author for us, so this will be a totally new experience for us. The premise is promising, & we'd like to support the author if possible, as she's the cousin of someone in N3F (a SF & F club to which we belong).
'Steampunk II' edited by Ann & Jeff VanderMeer (SF) Tachyon Publishing
We've been wanting to try steampunk for a long time now, & are really looking forward to this one. It's an anthology, & we're not big on short stories, but it's supposed to be a good introduction to the steampunk genre.
'Warriors: Into the Wild' by Erin Hunter (F) HarperCollins
This was given to us by a dear friend, & we tried it once already but were thwarted by our OCD. We're a bit better now with our OCD & are going to try to give this series another chance.
What about you? What's on your bookshelf waiting to be read this month?
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